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- About
- ASN or Community ?
- Can you not see we are competing?
- Career
- Cisco Configuration for Peering Routers
- Cisco Configuration for Transit Routers
- Cisco Minimal Configuration
- Cogent and Telia Divorce
- Cogent and Telia Divorce - part 2
- Comcast and Google
- Comcast and P2P
- Comcast new QOS
- DJBDNS Round Robin Patch
- DNS Good Practice
- Education
- Exa Networks
- How Phorm works
- HTTP RFC vs real world
- Is Phorm Illegal
- Is Phorm opt-out an opt-out ?
- Juniper Peering Router Configuration Example
- Multiple Recipients for Postfix Access Policy Delegation
- Nostalgy - Some old code
- Notebook theme
- Phorm and mere conduit
- Phorm speaks
- Phorm, the logical conclusion to legal pressure on ISP
- Presentations
- Preventing BGP leaks
- Python library to perform file categorisation
- Qmail Greylisting
- Qmail rewrites your mail recipient
- Qmail user verification for cluster
- Qmail-LDAP and VmailMGR
- RIB based Firewall
- Skills & Interest
- Textcat implementation in Python
- The real cost of P2P
- thomas.jpeg
- Topology
- Vmailmgr Proxy
- Website History